Questions to Esther Chutu, PA.
Esther Chipanta Chutu

What is the strangest thing you have done?

In 2006 I attended a training program in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic cooperation and development on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Whilst in Ethiopia I sang on stage, fluently, to a song in a language I did not understand in front of hundreds of people who were completely overwhelmed.

Who is a good boss?

A good boss is a quick thinker, direct, to the point, always dealing with any problem promptly and a listener. They should be appreciative, helpful and trust staff to work without undue intervention. The office will succeed via me and the efforts of other workers so, hovering over everything and everyone is just frankly bad management.

Are there bad days when you do get annoyed?

No, I pride myself on being a kind and calm person. In my interactions, I tend to ignore people who are rude and just persevere through the conflict. I do not swear at people or get upset. I have learned the secret to modern life and it is showing respect and kindness at all times and every PA knows communication, listening, and discretionary skills are crucial.

Where do you spend most of your time?

As I work at a legal firm I type legal documents, supervise lodging of court documents, receive and attend to instructions as and when required by counsel. I handle queries and prepare correspondence on behalf of the managing partner. I do also spend my time writing minutes, booking meetings, taking dictation, conducting research on the internet, answering calls and liaising with staff, clients sourcing and managing the office budget.

 Do you like your job?

Yes because it is motivating and grooms you into a responsible person. And some developments in software have made life easier. I would, however, change the view that ‘anyone’ can be a PA which undermines the efforts of those of us who have made it a deliberate career choice and take our roles very seriously. I work in a sophisticated, challenging, complex litigation and transactional legal working environment. This has boosted my high-caliber talent. And I spend my time meeting interesting people and knowing that you’re almost always responsible for that ‘amazing thing’ your boss did or said, makes every single day just completely different.

Mind you I do hate an aspect of my job and that is making up increasingly farfetched excuses about why your errand is taking so long when you’re just trying to scoff down lunch with some friends.


A good boss is a quick thinker, direct, to the point, always dealing with any problem promptly and a listener.


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